• It’s been four weeks since I was transitioned into a new role

    It’s been four weeks since I was transitioned into a new role

    Losing my job at GoDaddy was a shock, but it gave me the opportunity to focus on two passion projects: Status Boards and Future Shop. With Status Boards, you can manage WordPress content effortlessly, while Future Shop is the ultimate ecommerce migration tool. Discover how I turned job loss into an exciting new chapter.

  • Sometimes, the push you need is not the push you want.

    Sometimes, the push you need is not the push you want.

    As a matter of fact, this is the first time I’ve lost a job… ever. ?

  • Voting

    In a democracy, voting is an inherent right, and any restriction on voting is merely a ploy of those in power, to keep power. November 26th, 2022 One of the most hilarious and disturbing things about the most recent mid-term elections in the United States is Republicans upset by the turn out of young voters.…

  • Black Friday

    The fourth Friday in November, just following Thanksgiving in the United States, is meant to signify the start of the holiday shopping season and typically comes with heavily discounted prices. November 25, 2022 Eight months ago, I made a list. It’s not a naughty/nice list, nor did I check it twice. The list consisted merely…

  • Enforcing Ports on Companies is Bad

    Enforcing Ports on Companies is Bad

    While it’s a no-brainer that switching to one port is a win for consumers, having a government entity enforce that solution on private companies discourages innovation and limits competition.

  • Do it again, years later.

    At a conference in the late 2000s, one speaker passionately spoke about not doing the same thing twice. Don’t read a book twice, don’t watch a movie twice, and don’t visit the same vacation spot twice. This advice is as foolish back then as it is now.  As we grow, we change. The way we…

  • Docker Desktop Update Notifications

    Recently, Docker Desktop made the decision to enforce a daily update notification for all users, which can only be disabled by paying customers. ? Within a short period of time, the Community was up in arms, but that seems to not change anything and the Docker team chose to instead continue this path by enforcing…

  • Allow JSON Uploads to WordPress Media Library

    Recently I was working on a project that required the addition of allowing JSON uploads in the media library. While I knew there was a filter for this, it did take some digging to understand why JSON uploads were treated as text/plain (and should be marked as such). Here’s the example, and hope it helps.

  • Fatherless


    Not having a parent when growing up sucks and not having one because that person chose not to be a parent sucks even worse. Psych is without a doubt my favorite TV show. Watching it brings happiness, joy, sadness, laughter and more… which I can watch over and over and over and over… you get…

  • On The Road Again

    On The Road Again

    It has been an incredible rollercoaster of a year and I am happy to finally be able to leave our home while still staying as safe as possible. Thanks to our new Airstream. Feels good to travel and have some sense of normalcy.