Tag: javascript
Enhancing Calls to Action using WordPress Button Block with Default “nofollow” Attributes
This simple code tweak ensures that every button you create automatically includes the `nofollow` attribute, saving you time and improving your site management.
Book Readings for Growth
[2024 Q1]—
This quarter I am doubling down on developing new habits, and finishing the book by Obama (it’s a looooooong book). This quarter I am focused on developer operations as my topic. This quarter are I diving deeper into React, and taking the following course. Goals Before the end of 2024, I will be a more…
A Year of Challenges and Triumphs: Reflecting on 2023
Throughout life, I have learned the importance of resilience and adaptability in both personal and professional life. The year 2023 for me was a testament to these qualities.
Book Readings for Growth
[2023 Q4]—
This quarter I am revisiting a book I have read before, Deep Work, in order to regain and reemphasize insight into my personal working strategies that I have developed over the years. In addition, I am reading two new books Tiny Habits and A Promised Land. This quarter I am very focused on leadership as…
Understanding Pass-by-value in PHP and JavaScript
If you read my article on comparing PHP and JavaScript arrow functions, there is one relevant discussion that I did not touch in that article, as it is an important concept to grasp. In programming, when we pass a variable into a function, the function can either modify the original variable or create a copy…
PHP Arrow Functions: A Comparative Analysis with JavaScript Arrow Functions
This article takes a look at PHP arrow functions, how they compare to JavaScript arrow functions, and some ideal use cases for them.
Advantages of Allowed Validation in Software
Allowed validation offers a more robust, efficient, and easily maintained approach to form input validation compared to its disallowed counterpart. So next time you’re creating some application lists, remember to use the party invitations technique, and spare your security guard and host the extra work!